Do I Need Choreography for My First Dance? : Video

To choreograph your first dance or not…that is the question we answer in this video blog.

The transcript of the video follows directly here:


“What is choreography? We’ll examine what it means to have a choreographed first dance. Oftentimes when people imagine choreography they think of long sequences of movement that mimic the lyrics in a really cheesy way. That’s not always the case with choreographed first dances. In this video, some of the instructors at Ballroom Dance Chicago discuss first dance choreography and some of things to keep in mind if you want to choreography your first dance.”


“Choreography can be simplistic, just a couple of moves in sequence together, or it can be more complex having each move choreographed to a specific place in the song.”


“A lot of people come to Ballroom Dance Chicago thinking choreography is something really elaborate with lots of spins and dips and lifts and really flashy stuff. That’s not necessarily the case at all. You can have choreography that means you have a plan of action and that you’re super prepared to go.”


So if you want to have any kind of plan, or just an idea of what you’re doing during your first dance, that means you want to have choreography. That doesn’t mean it has to be cheesy. When you first start taking first dance lessons, talk to your instructor about how you invasion your first dance and they’ll help you create something that suits your personalty and vision.

For more information, read about First Dance Lessons with us or feel free to contact us


Dance Lessons Are More than Learning Spins & Dips


How to Choose Your First Dance Song: Video