Dance Lessons Are More than Learning Spins & Dips
We are dance instructors, not therapists, but we can’t ignore the fact that dancing together, and more specifically learning to dance together helps to maintain a happy, healthy relationship. We all have basic needs that must be met in order to live fulfilling lives. Identified by Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist, as a hierarchy for human potential, there are six basic human needs that are all met through the process of learning to dance. By learning to dance with your loved one, you are not only meeting your personal needs, but you are fulfilling the needs of your partner and strengthening the bond between you.
Preparing For Emergencies on the Dance Floor
Your adrenaline spikes and you start to sweat. Your throat goes dry and breathing suddenly seems like an effort. Maybe your hands get clammy and it’s hard to think about anything else but how embarrassed you are and that you’re about to crash and burn in front of everyone.
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BDC Student Spotlight: Dance & a Southern Garden Party, Alex & Charlotte Langerman
On a chilly evening in late March, two ‘Honorary Southerners’ arrived at BDC looking to learn a relaxed and elegant dance for their wedding in June. After warming up with a glass of red wine and listening to a few songs they had in mind, Alex and Charlotte decided on ‘Everlasting Light’ by the Black Keys as the song for their first dance.
5 Things You Should Know Before Your First Dance Lesson
For those of you who have never taken a dance lesson before, going to your first dance lesson can feel very intimidating. But have no worries: to help you get ready, we have come up with a short list of frequently asked questions. Feel free to leave a comment or question below!
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