Date Nights in West Loop: Ballroom Dance Chicago Loft

The West Loop is booming with great spots for food, drinks, nightlife and entertainment, and now US, Ballroom Dance Chicago! We couldn’t be more thrilled to be joining the community this Spring!


Join us at the Ballroom Dance Chicago Loft in the West Loop for private lessons, group classes and other dance events beginning May 1st.

You may be asking yourself, why does this concern me? Well, friend. The list of reasons is endless. Just when you thought your date nights in the West Loop were top-notch, we moved in and made them even better.

Not only is dance a great activity to enjoy spending time with your hunny but it does wonders for your health, physically and mentally. So what are you waiting for? Now that we have a convenient location near the hottest restaurants in town, it’s time for you to plan that killer date night and woo your sweetheart at Ballroom Dance Chicago Loft in West Loop!


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New Studio in West Loop! Announcing Ballroom Dance Chicago Loft