Everyone is a Leader, Both On and Off the Dance Floor
In corporate America, the cubical worker will forgive his visionary CEO - who seems to have a far greater vision than his own - all sorts of transgressions in order to facilitate the delivery of the CEO’s all important vision for the company, much like the way a family/community in the past gathered around and supported the needs of a woman giving birth. Yet, in corporate America, as can be assumed in many other walks of life, a CEO who feels superior to other human beings, like Belfort’s character, will suppress the voices of workers whom he relies upon in order to deliver his vision of the company.
This idea of a leader being the all important muse and dictator, has connections with the ballroom dance world in a couples of ways...
Out to Dance: Ballroom & Latin Dance in the LGBT Community
Building a community of dance, based on the traditions of formal ballroom and Latin dance, in the LGBT is vitally important, especially at this time, when the Supreme Court of the United States of America legalized same sex marriage in all 50 states. We see dance as important right now because this pastime, of dancing with your partner in public - in non-lgbt venues - has been reserved for male and female couples. Our dream at Ballroom Dance Chicago is to see same sex couples take the dance floor, right along with the rest of society, without hesitation.
Being a Contribution in the Dance Learning Process
From our very earliest age, we are taught that life is something to be conquered and that we have landmarks ahead of us and many tasks to achieve and that there are obstacles that must be overcome along the way. How does that affect the dance learning process? Read more to find out.
Everyone is an Ideal Dance Student
At ballroom and Latin dance competitions around the world, the most outstanding dance couples gather to show off the skills they’ve been painstakingly developing, often from the time they’re old enough to walk. The judges are instructed that only one couple can win, and that the second and third place dance couples will also receive notable mention. In other words, one couple will receive an “A,” and two others a “B” and “C” and everyone else a failing mark, even though the dance skill of every couple is outstanding compared to anyone’s standards. Imagine the blow to your morale if you are the couple in the requisite fourth or fifth place.
Entering A Life of Possibility Through Dance
Now that we understand that all of our negative perceptions are all invented, we’d like to discuss how to create a place, or mindset, where we fluidly invent new ways of thinking that do not confine us. Let’s call this place the “realm of possibility.” This realm is limitless and extends well beyond the borders we’ve created for our everyday reality.
Perception & Learning to Dance
A dance studio sends two instructors to Cuba to see if there is a market in the newly opened economy. One calls his boss after the first night saying, “This market is hopeless. Everyone already dances salsa.”
The other instructor calls later that afternoon. “We have an amazing business opportunity!” He says. “Everyone dances salsa, but no one dances waltz.”
Our Favorite First Dance Songs of 2014
Finding the perfect first dance song can be a bit overwhelming at first, but when you have the right goals in mind, it’s much easier/ to narrow them down! Here are a few things to consider while on the hunt for the perfect song...
Oh Those Summer Nights!
It’s officially summer in the city, and you know what that means! It’s time to get outside and enjoy the many benefits of living in one of the greatest cities in the world. The beautiful weather can have the power to make you forget the last five months of below-zero trudging through the snow, so make the best of it by grabbing your favorite dance partner, and hitting the floor! Every summer, there are endless music and dance events that happen throughout the city, and some of our favorites are right around the corner. Here are just a few of the best events to get you moving this season.
Halloween is Good for Your Soul
Incredible colors,
bustling leaves,
a nice crisp breeze,
the smell of Autumn in the air.
Read More about why Halloween is our favorite!
Dance & Your Sex Life
It’s no secret that certain dances can really heat things up: think Flashdance, or that go- go dancer at the club last weekend. Ladies, I know you’re thinking about that scene in Dirty Dancing, and though I would thoroughly enjoy being thrust into the air like an angel, this baby would rather be in the corner with Swayze if you know what I mean. But, even more important than getting a little hot on the dance floor, the way we move with our partner can reveal a lot about our relationship preferences and sex lives behind the scenes.